In January we stuffed our Christmas tree into a snowbank and I declared it would be spring when the tree fell over.
It started to lean in mid-March, when we had our first hint of spring, as the temperature jumped 49’C (for my American friends, that’s 88’F). The roads became lakes, the snowbanks melted, and enough basements were wet that people got twitchy, remembering last June’s massive flood.
The tree finally fell, and then the temperature dropped and it snowed and snowed and snowed, for what felt like every day of the last two weeks of March.
Yesterday the big melt began, with temperatures forecast to be balmy, but it snowed again last night, and the tree is once again dusted with snow.
I’ve decided to fall back on my old measure of spring – my first flower. The first bloom typically comes in the last week of March or the first week of April. I’m counting the days now, hoping there are snowdrops waiting underneath the snow.