Somehow in the chaos of Christmas, a series of furnace repairs culminating in a furnace replacement, and a cold that sucked my brain down to my toes, I completely forgot I have a blog.
I did remember I’m a writer, but knew there was no point in trying to write without a brain.
I’m now returning to sentience. We’re ready-enough for Christmas, and I’ve actually excavated the debris on my desk. And I’m making writing plans for the new year. I have several projects to edit, and when that’s done, a new project to dive into. And a whole series of ideas. Oh, there are so many ideas. That’s the best part of writing. This is one of the greatest joys of being a writer – those ideas that leap out of the ether, with their siren call. Come, come, play with me. Forget the world. Come and play.
Wishing everyone their own particular joys this season,