I just spent an hour on the phone with my editor, doing one more round with the page proofs for The Veil Weavers.
I had a digital version of the page proofs so we could flip pages easily, and even do searches to see whether a particular word had been used nearby. And still I found it difficult to work aurally.
I’ve noticed this before – I think best if I can see and manipulate the text.
Some edits I managed just by reading, and some I typed into a Word file, so I could see them and play with alternative phrasings. But I tired quickly.
We were also horrified to be finding typos. Still! Arghhhhh. How can they be so elusive? As a reader I hate typos – the lack of attention to detail makes me distrust the writer and the editor. So the thought of any making it into the printed book makes me shudder. The question is: will any elude us?