After all our chaos, this has been a remarkably quiet week. My husband and older daughter are in Ontario, getting her settled for university in Ottawa (they flew to Toronto first to watch a Blue Jays game.) My younger daughter and I are rattling around the house, which suddenly feels much larger.
We’re putzing slowly, as she waits for university to start next week, and I get settled back into my large project that’s been pushed aside by editing and renos and packing and…. well, all that summer chaos. I’m starting by thinking about the things in the story that have been nagging me, that I know I need to pay more attention to. I’m sorting through notes, working out details for my story world, organizing myself so it’ll be easy to integrate these details into the manuscript.
I’ll be working on this story in Banff, in another week, so my goal until then is to organize all my bits and notes and nags, so I’ll be ready to launch into writing again.