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Favorite Session Yet

Maureen Bush

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

I just had my favorite school session ever. I’ve had really fun sessions with kids, but this was special. First of all, it was over two hours with the same kids, which is a luxury. The kids were selected because their teachers thought they had an interest in writing, and by the responses of the kids, I’d say they chose well. And there were 26, a small enough group that everyone who wanted to could speak up.

Junior high was when I decided I’d never be a teacher, because the kids were so awful, but today I understand why some teachers like teaching those ages – the kids were awesome. Well, it was a middle school – grades 5 to 8. Fun, great energy.

We came up with ideas for wild What If stories, created monsters and gave them voices. We talked about what books they like best and why, and I collected their favorite titles (I’m making lists).

I was asked those all-important questions: what do you like best (those writing days when I just write and write and write), what I like the least (the days writing doesn’t happen, and admin work), and what education you need to become a writer (no magic piece of paper – the quality of the writing is the measure.)

Now I’m too jazzed up to write, which is a good thing, as the drywall guy is coming to patch holes.



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