I’ve had a boxwood growing in my garden for five years, and I just scored another. I had to fight for it – Plantation brought in 24 last Thursday, and by that evening, when I arrived, they were all sold. This week I tried again, and managed to snag one for myself. Buxus Calgary.
To me, they smell like Spanish gardens. Boxwood is what’s used for the low hedging in Spanish gardens (and, I suspect, in other European gardens), and it gives the gardens a citrusy-musky scent, the perfect undertone for roses and lavender.
Mine aren’t noticeably fragrant until I bury my nose in them, except on hot, humid days when the smell carries a little further, and I can pretend I’m at the Alhambra.
My photos of the boxwood were dull, but I caught a nice shot of part of the garden with the late sun shining through the neighbour’s trees.
