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Maureen Bush

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Fall always feels like the new year for me, starting back to school as a child and a university student, and then with my own kids heading back to school.

This year is no different. After a summer of family fun and chaos, fall has finally begun this morning with a return to routine. Well, as much as a routine as I ever seem to manage. I’ll have the house to myself again, for portions of every weekday, and as much as I love my family, that’s always a special thrill. I’ve slogged through enough of the debris on my desk that I don’t feel hopelessly behind. Instead, I can launch myself back into my story, reacquainting myself with it, figuring out exactly where I am, and getting ready to go deeper.

Except there are, of course, always interruptions. Laundry, and flowers in the garden calling to be photographed and a long-postponed dentist appointment. I’ll let them create the breaks in my day that I need, to let the story settle more deeply into me, and come back refreshed and ready for more work. At least, that’s the plan.



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