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Maureen Bush
Maureen Bush
Dec 28, 2015
Updated: Feb 26, 2022

Maureen Bush
Nov 17, 2015
Updated: Feb 26, 2022
For the first time ever, I’m linking to another blog post, because I think it’s really important.
Human beings need to move. As our lives become more and more sedentary (like for for us bum-in-chair writers), our bodies suffer. The writer Sarah Selecky posted about Katy Bowman’s book, Move Your DNA. Following her post is a blog from Katy herself, on how she keeps her body moving through a writing day. Here’s the link:
I have a standing desk with a treadmill. Right now I’m standing at the kitchen counter writing on my laptop. But I can’t take much credit for this. Most of my writing time lately is curled up on the sofa with my lap top in my lap. Clearly it’s time for new habits.
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