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Maureen Bush

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

We’ve been watching robins nesting in our garden – finding bits, tugging at string, and today I saw one of them sitting on the nest. The nest is tucked up in a pear tree that’s not quite leafed out. I’m hoping we’ll be able to watch once it’s fully leafed. I’m sure there’s a wonderful analogy between nesting and writing – collecting bits, weaving them into shape, sitting and waiting,

watching the babies hatch and then leave home – but for now I’m content to just watch the birds.

(The nest is in the middle, just below the horizontal branches).


Maureen Bush

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

I’ve been story wrestling, figuring out where the bits fit into place around each other, walking on my treadmill while I think and read and work. While I walk I’ve seen the neighbourhood bunny doing his (her?) rounds every morning, nibbling on my just-emerging irises. Now the pear tree outside my office window is coming into bloom. It all makes the wrestling easier, adding a layer of joy to my day.


Maureen Bush

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

I’ve been stuck in a story for the last week, struggling to move it forward and failing. Today I changed the plan a little, introducing something I’d thought about but hadn’t developed. It’ll add another layer of tension to the story.

As I worked on it this morning, another piece fell into place, something that had inserted itself in the story earlier, but that I hadn’t explored further. Now it all fits together, and I’m no longer surprised the story got stuck.

At least, that’s my theory. Writer’s block, my style. This week will be the test – will the story move forward now?


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