I received a wonderful message from a writer about her five-year-old’s reaction to Feather Brain [edited for privacy and to shorten it slightly]:
Just have to let you know that J. is LOVING Feather Brain. Stegosaurus is of course his new favorite dinosaur. It is so completely the right book at the right time for him.
From J: “Thank you for the book. I like it really much. Please write more books like that.” I told him I know the author so I think he thinks it’s a present. That message was a little distraught because he is currently throwing a mini-tantrum at the chapter being over, and wants me to bring the book to the beach!!! So I have a feeling we’ll be finishing it this morning
Must now report that my mother read him the entire book at the beach this morning while K. and I built sandcastles. She says she has never had such a rapt audience, and that he was laughing uproariously at times, and was completely delighted that Kyle’s mother had run off to VANCOUVER.
And then he asked my mother to start over with chapter 1 on the bus-ride back home. So I’m sure I’m going to get a chance to read it too. A HUGE hit. You and Roald Dahl!!!
later still:
While I pack up picnic supper for beach (it’s a 2-beach day) my mother is reading Feather Brain again to J., because ALL HE WANTS TO DO today is read it, and has been going around whining about it whenever we aren’t reading it to him. Seriously, I thought he would like it, but I had NO IDEA how much.
A couple days later:
We are staying with friends and the 6-year-old girl was telling J. about Harry Potter, her new obsession, to which his rejoinder was, “Well have you read a book called FEATHER BRAIN?”
Me: I love kids’ enthusiasm for favourite stories!