There’s a sweet spot in the summer for me, when the heat backs off and my lungs recover from really, really hating that. When we get just a hint of cool fall winds, and my garden is a jungly green.
And it’s here today – that perfect late summer moment.
I can feel the anticipation of heading back to school, even though I haven’t for many, many years and my own daughters do their own back-to-school shopping now.
There’s a feeling of plenty, as beets grow and apples ripen.
And a softness in the air – that not-very-Calgary feeling that is somehow totally Calgary, stirred by a touch of mountain air.
It’s late summer at the lake, wistful and slow, a pause before the energy of fall.
Actually being at a lake, in a canoe, with a loon calling, would make it perfect.
For now, I close my eyes and I’m there.