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Maureen Bush

Updated: Feb 26, 2022

There’s a sweet spot in the summer for me, when the heat backs off and my lungs recover from really, really hating that. When we get just a hint of cool fall winds, and my garden is a jungly green.

And it’s here today – that perfect late summer moment.

I can feel the anticipation of heading back to school, even though I haven’t for many, many years and my own daughters do their own back-to-school shopping now.

There’s a feeling of plenty, as beets grow and apples ripen.

And a softness in the air – that not-very-Calgary feeling that is somehow totally Calgary, stirred by a touch of mountain air.

It’s late summer at the lake, wistful and slow, a pause before the energy of fall.

Actually being at a lake, in a canoe, with a loon calling, would make it perfect.

For now, I close my eyes and I’m there.


Maureen Bush

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

I’m reading Wired for Story by Lisa Cron. It’s forcing me to think about story and writing in a new way. Perhaps other writers know these things. For me, this book is bringing clarity to confusion.

Wired for Story focuses on what neuroscience tells us about what happens when we read, how we fall into story and learn from the experience, and how we can tap into that when we write. It’s all about story.

I knew that. I really knew that. It’s the specifics that are making me feel like my head is going to explode. I feel as if everything I’ve been doing is wrong. It isn’t – I know that when I dive into editing using these ideas I’ll find most/all/some of the elements are in place. They’ll need tweaking, threads that need to be clarified and pulled to the surface.

I suspect the biggest barrier is right now, as ideas shift in my head. They feel too big to fit. ­I’m pushing myself, working through each chapter, taking notes, planning edits, taking breaks when my head feels too full. And telling myself I will be able to do this. I think I can. I think I can.


Maureen Bush

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

I’ve hired an editing coach. I’m learning to look at story in a totally new way. I’ve worked with editors at publishing houses, but it’s never been this deep or this thorough.

I usually look at story from the big picture – top down – and work on the details to fit that big picture.

This kind of detailed edit looks at story from the bottom up. We’re examining how word choice and phrases and sentences support story, making it clearer, stronger, and more vivid. We’re finding threads that can be strengthened, just a little, so they shine, vibrating right through the story.

I’ve actually read a book on editing, and put a second on hold. This is a huge change for me. As a child, I didn’t bother learning the rules of grammar because my natural language skills were good enough to complete assignments, without knowing the rules. I’ve always hated immersion in the minutia of editing, bored by the persnickety details of punctuation. But when it’s in the service of story – well, that’s a different thing altogether. I’m finally getting that.

And so – to crows. The editing coaching is rubbing off on new writing. I blasted out a very rough chapter early one morning. Later, walking, I was greeted by a crow, and remembered I need crows in that chapter. I made a note: Add Crows. Now I know why and how, and what that will do to the chapter. Thanks, CL.


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